* My Angel * At dawn, in the silence of my room, I felt the presence of an angel telling me: good morning! I thought… Am I dreaming or is it my imagination that wanders beyond the horizon in search of something inexplicable? But it wasn't a dream, it was real. It was love that knocked on my door asking permission to enter. When an angel appears in our life unannounced, it is because inside each one of us yearns for change, for love… And to be loved. Thank you angel, for showing up at the most precise times! Sometimes we feel a touch, a light, a cozy chill, but since we don't see it, we don't pay attention. My angel, I know that you are always with me, giving me strength, enlightening me, raising my spirits so that my day is perfect. When you arrive, what is sad turns into joy, what is dark turns into radiant light, what is joy turns into full happiness. Thank you my angel! I know that there are many angels watching over us, protecting us… One of them could be you! #dome

AMANDOH Beautiful souls are the only ones who know what is great in goodness.