hey! I don't even know what to write, what I felt with you was inexplicable, an absurd lust, a desire to have you. An exciting, affectionate, delicious, fiery woman ... all the adjectives you can imagine here. An unusual beauty and sensuality of its own. I want to recommend you to everyone but I want you just for me hahaha. My new addiction, the two of us.
To talk is a very friendly person. So it will depend on what you are looking for in the chat. You will need to have a balance of 50+ to see an exhibition show as she likes to talk a lot beforehand. I understand this perfectly because it is not enough and wanting to see something like this from nothing. But I believe that the conversation could take place more quickly, it was 20 minutes of conversation ... However, as I said, she is friendly and also attractive. (I hope you are not offended by my feedback, it is just my opinion)