Rainha Matrisse

  • 3178 Reviews
11341 Followers 12057 Likes
Last Seen: 23 hours ago
Rainha Matrisse Offline Last Seen: 23 hours ago

Rainha Matrisse

  • 3178 Reviews
11341 Followers 12057 Likes
Last Seen: 23 hours ago
Rainha Matrisse

Rainha Matrisse


Today I decided to post a photo playing what I love most in this life. And I will explain what snooker brings me and what it does to those who play it. This extraordinary game requires full-time attention, balance, posture, vision, focus, calm, attacking and defending strategy. And that's exactly how I live my life on and off the job. I'm always on the alert, watching, and literally sorting out what I want and what I don't want. Many question me because I convert to free and because I don't accept anyone in my room. And the answer is clear and simple: Do you accept anyone in your house? Yes, my living room is the heart of my home. Sharing energy is something extremely intimate where you can't just let a person "mess up" what I have best, ENERGY, SPIRITUALITY AND MIND. I understand and respect those who don't care about their essence, even because loving themselves nowadays and respecting themselves is so rare... I value people who have focus, life goals, priorities and above all character. People who are always looking for more, and when I say more I mean the best for themselves. I'm a wolf too intense, but behind my absurd intensity, there is a woman reason. With an out-of-the-curve knowledge and a life experience that many here don't know and don't deserve to know. In this photo, it represents the eagle eyes that I carry and a posture that I will never leave. I hope once again I have helped with another text about how I face life. Be strong to attract strong. I don't walk with shoals, I don't mix. I never ride anyone's wave. Either paddle with me or disappear. Weaknesses never piqued my interest. Note: Unfortunately, the quality of the photo was not as good as the original, but the site does not allow other people to be nearby due to image rights.

O-Rustico Novelist and I also like snooker... we have things in common😏✈️
Rainha Matrisse
I'm going to beat you!!!!!! 05/04/2024
sav2011 everything is fine my dear. get better soon! It's a shame you're not taking advantage of all the colors. but I am lol. I miss you blue lol
Rainha Matrisse
You didn't respond... :/ 02/09/2024
cristian420 Beautiful ❤❤❤