05/15/2022Close your eyes... on this trip, you will ignore senses that your body has dared to think it knew until then. Transcend, you will not touch the intangible clinging to beliefs that the impossible by nature does not exist. We can, yes, touch a smile even before touching the mouth that granted it; we can, yes, hear a heart rejoice even before it rests on it; we can, yes, feel the scent of the Rose that has not yet bloomed; we can, yes, feel the taste of contentment overflowing the mouth; we can, yes, see, with the naked eye, unknown worlds. Allow yourself to have beyond the 5 senses, allow yourself to amplify them, mix them. If you haven't experienced any of this yet, it's because you haven't. If you haven't had any of that yet, it's because you haven't been truly touched by the Melody of the universe. Listen to her and maybe she will listen to you... I have listened and, I can assure you, I will follow her through time and space, I will cross infinity and all its dimensions for the simple pleasure of "touching" her, "seeing her " "smell it", "hear it" and "feel it" in a surreal way!