05/07/2020Sweet forgiveness Gabi, as I couldn't say goodbye fully in the chat, I will do that in the comment. Your company today was more than special, I cannot describe the pleasure you gave me with your company, with the feelings and sensations you caused me. After I met you, I already knew your brightness, but tonight, even the Moon could not have competed with you. I loved every detail, every gesture, every moan that I couldn't hear, but that I imagined. You are beautiful in every possible way. Thanks for the night. I wish you a great night, that you have beautiful dreams and that you can dream even a little bit with me. Kisses Sweet Gabi.
With each discovery I feel more enchanted by your person and, of course, always considering your spontaneity, that twins sun that stands out and makes you so genuinely charming lol. Thank you for building something so special with me. You are awesome. Kisses, my sweet. ❤️ 05/08/2020