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  • 1015 Reviews
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Last Seen: 5 hours ago
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Franceska Jaimes Subscribe

  • 1015 Reviews
5872 Followers 8033 Likes
Last Seen: 5 hours ago
Franceska Jaimes

Franceska Jaimes


Small penis small penis humiliati I LIKE! Good boy. I know you like listening to me and doing everything I say, so let's get started... Take that tiny dick out of your pants. I want to see it. It's so small. It's the same size as a battery. Does it have a battery? Can you hold it by its side? I want to see how small it is. You're so pathetic. I bet when you were younger you hoped and prayed for it to grow. It never did. It just stayed small. #orgasm

sissysasha I agree 100% 💯💯💯
netuno38 Humiliate me!😈🔥💦
xdplowaz A thousand words would be needed to define a woman like you. "Beautiful", "intelligent", "determined", "charming" and "partner" would be at the top of that list by far. All of this combo of yours attracted me and brought me closer to you.