FLORA! Your smile, your affection, your intensity is inexplicable... Talking to you FLORA is the same as receiving a subtle breeze, yes DEAR the same breeze you received in your hair in the garden of colorful flowers. Being with you is feeling the freshness of the dew on the soles of your feet, the same as you felt when stepping on the fresh grass, Hearing your voice is feeling the cold metal of the handle, the same ice you felt on the door of your castle, Enjoying Your Pleasure is being able to feel the masterful softness of the bed and the dripping oil, the same oil that you once experienced in your body! You are something out of the ordinary... However, comes the less poetic part! Because the mix of these extraordinary sensations ends! momentarily! However, it leaves a trace of nostalgia in the conscious and this awakens a terrible anxiety every second! Anxiety to open this platform, and be able to hear the timbre of your voice, feel the affection expelled by your eyes and enjoy the glamor of your orgasm... What a night! U are an amazing woman! I love you!