01/17/2025This guy dominates a fuck like I've never seen before. Don't be fooled by his porn star face, you know he has it. He's a man and he thrusts hard and deliciously into an ass. Everything about him is gigantic: dick; feet; height; hands... (one of those Greek demigods who fell from Olympus, naked) that must be why he's so patient: it's not easy to face a man like that. Insistent activation, he simply, with the greatest naturalness in the world, makes you endure that big, head and hard dick. You need courage and lubricant, bro, ... Hot body, cold kisses, hands that fill. He has a delicious male smell, soft skin, salty sweat and gets red with excitement. When he stands you up, and that closet man, hugs you, fucks you from behind, when you feel his heavy breathing in your ear and the hot dirty talk he says, you cum so good, to the point of feeling your whole body tremble with desire. He gave me an orgasm so long and intense that I've never had before. Shaking, full