"The social psychology of this century has taught us an important lesson: it is not a person's character that determines how he acts, but the situation in which he finds himself." Stanley Milgram (1974).
"Good days bring happiness, bad days give you experience, the worst days give you lessons and the best days give you memories. Happiness makes you sweet. Troubles keep you strong" Feathers keep you human. Downfalls keep you humble. Success keeps you shining, But only God keeps you going.
Forget the wrong they did to you, but not the lesson you learned.
“We can defend ourselves against an attack, but we are defenseless against a compliment” -Freud
In my opinion, the existence of life is an overrated phenomenon. Look around you. Mars does perfectly well without a single microorganism. It is an ever-changing topographical map, flowing and moving around the pole in waves 10,000 years wide. Tell me, what benefit would a pipeline bring to this landscape? Or a shopping mall? Miracles. Events as unlikely to occur as oxygen turning to gold. I long to see something like that, and yet I forget that in human mating millions of cells compete to create a single life, generation after generation, until finally your mother loves a man, a man she had every reason to hate, and from that contradiction, against all odds, you, only you, emerged. Extracting specific form from this chaos is like air turning to gold. A miracle. – Doctor Manhattan
The poet is a pretender He pretends so completely That he even pretends to be pain The pain he really feels. And those who read what he writes, In the pain he deals feel good, Not the two he had, But only the one they don't have. And so in the wheel gutters Turns, entertaining reason, That rope train That is called the heart. FERNANDO PESSOA
"learn to enjoy your own company, she is the only person you can count on for your whole life". Sun
To meditate, it takes courage for you to dive into thought. There are dark places where your mind constantly avoids navigating... (Dom)
ignorance brings bliss, knowledge brings DISTURBANCE
“The Church says the Earth is flat, but I know it is round because I have seen its shadow on the Moon. I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church.” Ferdinand Magellan
"Evil cannot create anything new, it can only corrupt and ruin what the forces of good have invented or done." JRR Tolkien
All this for what? Some ask. The answer is simple: celebrate the essence of being Vasco! Celebrating a democratic present thanks to voices that in the past were not silent in the face of oppression, prejudice and persecution! To be content with perhaps being screaming in the only stadium truly owned by the people, built by the people and loved by the people. I give up, they will never understand this love, they will never understand this feeling, because they never had and will never have a club built with sweat, tears and passion.