The emotion in trying to describe in words what it means becomes negligible, because you are something of a supreme beauty that is not just visual, but is a group of people that makes all the difference and that I reveal here through the means I have to express BDSM Dominator: express all my feelings in my soul and that made me have a better time in my life to see and talk to you who had the image of a Queen far from reality and who now feel the emotion of someone who is grateful for that. Always grateful for allowing BDSM Dominatrix: allowing this privilege. Kisses on your beautiful feet and in the position that you so nobly deserve. And I complement what I wrote by addressing that there is no comparison here and in another universe, because your presence is something that I can only be grateful for and I do it with all honor and so that everyone knows what I always wanted in my life and thought didn't exist, but you made me end my skepticism and admire, adore, venerate, love you unconditionally with my soul.
The emotion in trying to describe in words what it means becomes negligible, because you are something of a supreme beauty that is not just visual, but is a group of people that makes all the difference and that I reveal here through the means I have to express all my feelings in my soul and that made me have a better time in my life to see and talk to you who had the image of a Queen far from reality and who now feel the emotion of someone who is grateful for that. Always grateful for allowing this privilege. Kisses on your beautiful feet and in the position that you so nobly deserve. Edu