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Fê Gostosa Subscribe

  • 1309 Reviews
17807 Followers 17546 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago
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Hello Here's some very important information to make everything here even more enjoyable for us, because, after all, that's what we're here for. So: - I'm very friendly, but don't abuse it, I don't chat in free chat, there I answer the basics - Badly educated, hurried, and clueless users will take a block; - Users who call to chat and send "- take everything away, ... I'm not a robot, I also need stimulation, if you're in a hurry don't come in - Evaluation is very important to me and it excites me to know how our moment was for you together. Let's say that something lights up inside me and makes me want to talk to you more. You have up to 3 days to do a review possible; Thank you for your attention!🔥

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