Fatal Girl

  • 1083 Reviews
28389 Followers 13801 Likes
Last Seen: 6 hours ago
Fatal Girl Offline Last Seen: 6 hours ago

Fatal Girl

  • 1083 Reviews
28389 Followers 13801 Likes
Last Seen: 6 hours ago



did not like!

Fatal Girl
Friend, I hated it too, you know?? A guy with no conversation, Lazy, with no idea of how to treat and make a woman at least horny (the opposite you did well *Disgust*) turns on the camera without me asking to show him a horrible soft dick, I didn't even ask to see this disgusting thing so why make me nauseous in the morning?? A tip my friend, next time (even though I hope you don't come back EVER) if there's a next time, please read the model's profile first to know the minimum of the model you're talking to, I don't read minds, and I won't stay starting a chat with a monosyllabic man who is too lazy to even type!!!! Spare me and spare yourself. Have a good day 😽😘 08/07/2024