Eve Bbtz Subscribe

  • 271 Reviews
4398 Followers 1730 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago
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Eve Bbtz Subscribe

  • 271 Reviews
4398 Followers 1730 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago



It's no good

Eve Bbtz
My dear, after 5 years, the first person who says this just because they want to force me to serve the fetishes of a crazy pervert... so forgive me but your half star will not diminish the quality of my services, much less drive away the clients who know me and come back every week and some every day! I hope you improve as a person and understand that this is not a mess. I don't know what you are used to living with but I feel sorry for the poor women who try to boost their ego by catering to their whims for misery :) kisses dear 10/04/2024