Almost ONE hour, I've never had such a long chat in all my time using this site, but it was a boner from start to finish, I enjoyed every second of it, and I'm really glad I wasn't the only one, thank you so much for this show. You are as perfect as Saturn's rings. (Sorry for the nerdiness at the end, I got a little carried away kajskajkajaka)
THE AURÉLIO DICTIONARY defines "REENCONTRO": Inflection of the verb reencontrar in the: 1st person singular of the present indicative has the meaning of meeting again with someone, with something or with a situation already experienced: Ex: reencontei ARTE HIPNOTICA and enjoyed its sweetness one more time!, AND PAULO R GAEFKE IN HIS POETRY "ALMAS DO REENCONTRO" QUOTES: "I have no idea how we met but I feel that there is a thread, a line that is crossed today, that will lead me to you in straight line, and when our eyes meet, when our searches come together, everything will show us the size of our needs." I'm sure that the junction of poetry and grammar was in that magical moment of ours, there, when it surpassed 33! Need I utter no more!, what was mentioned above, speak more and better for me this Night! What a spectacular girl!!