Estrela Guia

  • 215 Reviews
3565 Followers 4612 Likes
Last Seen: February 20, 2025
Estrela Guia Offline Last Seen: February 20, 2025

Estrela Guia

  • 215 Reviews
3565 Followers 4612 Likes
Last Seen: February 20, 2025



THE AURÉLIO DICTIONARY defines "REENCONTRO": Inflection of the verb reencontrar in the: 1st person singular of the present indicative has the meaning of meeting again with someone, with something or with a situation already experienced: Ex: reencontei ARTE HIPNOTICA and enjoyed its sweetness one more time!, AND PAULO R GAEFKE IN HIS POETRY "ALMAS DO REENCONTRO" QUOTES: "I have no idea how we met but I feel that there is a thread, a line that is crossed today, that will lead me to you in straight line, and when our eyes meet, when our searches come together, everything will show us the size of our needs." I'm sure that the junction of poetry and grammar was in that magical moment of ours, there, when it surpassed 33! Need I utter no more!, what was mentioned above, speak more and better for me this Night! What a spectacular girl!!

Estrela Guia
You tease me with your incandescent lips, igniting the fire that burns mine. You provoke me with your whispers and moans ordering me to be next to you. You tease me with your seductive way, leaving me trembling inside, feeling uncontrollable sensations. You provoke me with your voice, sharpening my desire for you. You provoke me by yearning for my presence at your side, and I imagine your perfume that touches my senses. You provoke me with your salient invitation to be in your bed, being your blanket. You provoke me in every way, without pity or pity, because after all you are extremely provocative... Our reunion brought us smiles and unforgettable moments of pleasure, after the 33rd I already felt my whole body tingling hahaha. Gratitude for all the affection 💕 02/02/2023