A new woman, in the FITtest version you've ever seen, muscular, thick, MUCH MORE HORNY! I don't do REAL. I don't pass by or take contact. ATTENTION: I do not talk about subjects prohibited by the laws in force in the country, including but not limited to “scat”, “fisting”, urination, necro*f*lia, inxesto, ped*fil*a, z*ofi*ia, exxtupro and sex involving any individual under the age of 18. Thanks !
- Brazil Nationality
- Do Outro Lado Do Espelho Location
- 28 years Age
- Inglês / Português Language
luis-fe-45186 Do you come from the deep sky or do you emerge from the abyss, / Oh Beauty! your gaze, infernal and divine, Pours out confusedly benefit and crime, / And one can for that compare you to wine. Hymn to Beauty (Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du mal)