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Elise Fideli Subscribe

  • 646 Reviews
5298 Followers 4811 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago
Elise Fideli

Elise Fideli


When was the last time your heart beat faster? Leave a comment! I want to know ✨❤️ #fanclub

john-the-rock Every month, when the credit card bill arrives, my heart beats so hard that I think it's going to stop lol. Kisses, babe, good luck!
Elise Fideli
I know how it is! The card brings joy at the moment and scares you later, right? Hahaha! Kisses and thanks for the affection! Good luck to you too! ✨ 01/21/2025
feeca1978 The last day my heart beat was the day I saw you
Elise Fideli
Look how beautiful this is! I'm speechless... I hope I made your heart beat faster with joy! 💖 01/21/2025
verdic Today. I was in that pre-sleep state, when consciousness begins to melt into a dream. Suddenly I thought I heard some muffled sounds coming from the living room. I woke up with my heart pounding and I still don't know if it was a dream or not.
Elise Fideli
Wow, what an intense experience! It’s like a scene from a movie… Was it a dream or was your intuition playing tricks on you? I hope you were able to go back to sleep after that! 😳 01/21/2025
gui-78423 When I met you, the love and affection I have for you made my heart race
Elise Fideli
I'm grateful for so much 🫶 Thank you for being my friend! 01/21/2025
mosolita19 It was night, it was raining heavily, and there were flashes of lightning alternating with power surges in the building... Then I had to climb the stairs and at the end of the path my heart wanted to jump out of my chest from beating so hard.
Elise Fideli
I can imagine everything and I felt the tightness in my chest from here! It's natural to be afraid of the dark, but in my abyss, would I dive? 01/21/2025