
  • 229 Reviews
3952 Followers 1382 Likes
Last Seen: November 25, 2024
Docinho Offline Last Seen: November 25, 2024


  • 229 Reviews
3952 Followers 1382 Likes
Last Seen: November 25, 2024


I want to share with all of you that I'm addicted!! in that smile, in that laugh, in that company, in that chat, in that woman combo! she is wonderful and special. Things explode here...s2



It was a beautiful night to warm up kk and as always she continues to be a fun, incredible, beautiful and sensual woman... let's see if the disagreements last longer now.



I love each meeting a little piece of this most delicious sweetie in the universe!!! You are awesome and even having the Karma of threads between us, it was possible to unfold this meeting and miss you 3!!! Have a great night and see you next time



Wonderful!!! She will seduce you, we will fall in love and the world will stop!!



Time is relative, connections are mutual and pleasure has to be eternal. Wonderful! s2



You are a dream that I really wanted to be real one day!!! I wanted so much to feel your skin, your mouth, your breasts, hold you close without letting go! You make me happy, you make me horny and the worst, I miss you so much!!! I was so happy to see you!!! Kisses my beautiful!!!



Haaaaaa what to talk about this Sweetie so hot!!!! Always a delight, a unique moment and with a lot of humor!!! A kiss for you and for my loves.



A wonderful, intelligent and surprising woman. Too beautiful, I loved our time together, I'll be back more often 😘❤️



Too wonderful! The beauty remains the same, but the hair is even more beautiful than ever!!! Thanks beautiful and take care of my loves



THE AURÉLIO DICTIONARY defines "REENCONTRO": Inflection of the verb reencontrar in the: 1st person singular of the present indicative has the meaning of meeting again with someone, with something or with a situation already experienced: Ex: ""reencontei DOCINHO and enjoyed your incessant sweetness once more!""", AND PAULO R GAEFKE IN HIS POETRY "ALMAS DO REENCONTRO" QUOTES IN ONE OF THE EXTRACTS: ""I have no idea how we met but I feel that there is a thread, a line that today is a cross, which will lead me to you in a straight line, and when our eyes meet, when our searches come together, everything will show us the size of our needs."""" SWEET, I'm sure this combination of romantic literature and grammar spoke more and better for me this Night! Never lose that joy and that magic that you can feel exhaling through your skin! You are an extraordinary woman!! I love you from Roraíma to Rio Grande do Sul!!!



As nick says, forbidden to diabetics, as it brings sugar in essence. hahaha



I took a while, but I'm back! and like the last time, it's great to see that contagious joy, that excitement and with so much pleasure, that laugh that escapes so good as seeing the delicious curves of that hot little body, feeling the pleasure to which it surrenders, incredible, now I retire on shaky legs to relax and take care, until next time, for another round of pleasure. PS: now watch out for the assailant kkkkk

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