Doce Geminiana

  • 503 Reviews
6625 Followers 18162 Likes
Last Seen: September 22, 2021
Doce Geminiana Offline Last Seen: September 22, 2021

Doce Geminiana

  • 503 Reviews
6625 Followers 18162 Likes
Last Seen: September 22, 2021



I can say that I found my twin on this kkk site. What a pleasant chat that date was after the wall formation. #ForaArthur kkkk I loved you! It calmed my shaking head. I look forward to the next date ✨❤️ A loving person 🥰 bjooo

Doce Geminiana
I am still here in front of the computer, thinking about this meeting. What a moment we had! How much tuning, right? Enough to scare hahaha. Thank you for the company ♥ I hope your night is very peaceful and that tomorrow we can be together again ... #ForaArthur 03/01/2021