Hi how are you ? Our time in my love, I'm anxious to come back for you to wait for me ....... a thousand kisses Deliciaaa .....

olaa beautiful my'll be back soon kisses ....
oooiie and there boys felt my lack'll be back in foresees todinha to you guys and crazy longing thousand beijoes in the heart of each .....
I will love this ok night'll be back for you guys ta, tasty big kiss your delight ..
I will love this ok night will be back to voceis tasty ta big kiss your deliciaaa ......
boys back later ok kiss my beautiful ...
oii boy, look feel more unfortunately have to go out today, the net this very bad not giving this pramim work, I'd love to stay longer with my loves more voceis not this giving, what a pity! plus the morning I'll be back kisses in the heart of all chau.
I'm sorry boys not reply to that came after, presisei out hope not to have them maguado beijão try to come back after my chauzinho loves .........
meninos precisei sair ,talvez eu volte mais tarde ok mais não tenho certeza beijão meu amores .....
voltarei após o almoço beijo beijos.....
volto mais tarde beijão.....
oiii meus amores estou chegando em e com muita saudade de todos,tive alguns motivos para ficar ausente por esse tempo tao demorado mais em fim estou voltando assim que possivel beijos ate breve