raijorge My dear, I'm sorry for causing you this embarrassment. I love you for your intelligence and happiness. These people who have prejudices are actually primitive and outdated people. I know it's hard but ignore them
Hey Rai, what a huge affection your message ❤️ thank you so much!!!!!
xape1979 This is very annoying my ******, people doing this don't respect anything.
There man, and you are proof that it can be different, right?! So much pleasure and with soooo much respect ❤️ I miss you, heeeeein
leo-63088 Even when you're upset, you still exude wonderful energy. This proves what an incredible person you are, and that's what hurts the most. The best people are often hurt by ****** people. I hope this doesn't happen again, and know that you have support here.
Hahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha a record of Cristina puuuuutaaaaaaa hahahahagahhahahahah you are amazing ❤️
JBCAMERASEX Respect is always good and this leak is actually a crime. I'm sorry Chris...
Respect is the fundamental principle for healthy connections, right?! It is very necessary! Thank you for the comment ❤️ I found out that measures are already being taken.... But these things need to be talked about, because that's where things change ❤️
thecatlove AFF what do you mean??? What clueless people! When people do this, they don't have a shred of decency, you and the majority here work honestly. I hope justice is done and there is punishment for those involved. Congratulations on your attitude 👏#forcaCris
Without a shred of clue!!!! It’s a bit stale, right?! I bet it's a lack of water ahahahhahahha as far as I know, justice is being done... Let's wait ❤️❤️❤️❤️
labts Respect is the basis of everything in life, anyone who doesn't practice it has no value as a human being
markaumvinicius Maaaraaaavilhooosaaaaa