Cristina Subscribe

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Cristina Subscribe

  • 3639 Reviews
27648 Followers 108759 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago



Cristina's program 🌈. #fetish

 1  4:53
getspam I don't even need to think too much. Whenever I come across the theme of the imminent end, I remember Robert Falcon Scott's expedition. Give it a go. It's sad.
Wow, it opened my mind even to new thoughts... It's a very sad and impactful story, right?! 07/05/2021
cristian420 You're fucked...this mood of yours is contagious to tds, never change your charming way!!
AAAAh good thing to know you liked it, it fills my chest s2 Oh man, I like the happy feeling too, it feels good right?! you also infect me with your affection and admiration s2 Thank you! 06/25/2021
te17511 I love your light way of life that attracts me to you and makes me more in love with you
oh my deeeeus you found me! I pretended to be like this all the time for you to fall in love, now that I've got it I don't know what else to do hahahahah oh darling, I like you so much s2 06/25/2021
kodosh13 KKKKK I'm loaded with the past alienation ksksk, wow, I loved it hahahaha and about your question, what I think I would do, first I wouldn't know What to do, little outbreak and then I would make a blog in space visiting several planets and interviewing beings
Hahahhahahahhauahuauau for sure I see you like this hahahha oh my !! So thank you for watching it, I was so happy. 06/28/2021
Mytrandir Pure sympathy you. I would look for a good book and coffee to think better. A book with this theme: "The Death of Light" by George RR Martin. It deals with the loneliness of a wandering planet, which lives its "last days".
Yeah, it would be a comically ironic situation, but not tragic... I think about the possibility of being able to grow things, and that would definitely make me happy... I imagine the view must be bombastically beautiful hahaha 06/25/2021
big-67110 ??
soon ep. 2 hahahah you're always following, wonderful s2 06/25/2021
ofilosoofo How fun, always bringing a lot of joy here. I would stay there and wait for time to pass. We've already talked about her death and her acceptance, aside from the fact that the view must be beautiful to pass the time.
ahhaahhaah for sure is the view that would attract me more and make me stay there.... it's not that far from the only right?! I could even get a bronze hahahahha 06/25/2021
misterioc Damn! I loved it! Really! Like I always thought your style "out of the box" and I identify with it! And answering your question the answer is simple, I would cry because there would be no one for Malaquias to play, dps I would see what to do!🤣
I had a huge feeling that you would like it s2 s2 oh how wonderful you liked it s2 Ah I don't know if I would cry, but I would laugh hahahahahah there is a meme from a lady who says " oh my god! I'm mad!" be equal 06/25/2021
chatto-18118 A friend of the afternoon coffee shop who always likes to talk about the lingerie she is wearing that day, even taking it off and putting it in my hands during coffee....kisses
I show you and tease you because I know that's what seduces you, I love to see how you get turned on with me all over. 06/25/2021
CasperJack2000 I would do the same as Raul: "Stay with a gaping mouth full of teeth waiting for death to arrive, On the calm peak of my seeing eye lies the sound shadow of a flying saucer" PS: Congratulations on the program!
hahahahahahahaha Raul would be the soundtrack of the moment! Always a forward-thinking man :P Oh man, thank you so much for watching and enjoying it s2 s2 It just motivates me more. 06/25/2021