Today, I was really worried about how I could have had an amnesia crisis and have forgotten about my chat with this girl in May! But I admit it and I'm surprised because you are a love! Anjinha de Boticceli, beautiful curly curls and a pity that there is no perfume in the Camera because I wonder what perfume it must give off. Girl with a charming smile and a super sweet way that makes me embarrassed during the conversation when it gets more spicy because it seems I'm saying inappropriate things for a "family girl"! At the same time, you've already told me to stop screwing around and deep down, it gives me more horny and more charm. And the conquest gets better! A word I don't like to use because Miss already has a conquered boy, which makes me slightly jealous. Speak lightly p/not be convinced! lol! Your profile speaks a lot about you and the photos, although few, keep the nosy ones away! haha ! Carmencita (later, you'll have to explain this Nick to me) ! You are a graceful, attractive and VERY INTELLIGENT woman! Hard not to fall in love with VC!