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Bruxa Amarela Subscribe

  • 2041 Reviews
14115 Followers 14778 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago
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I'm still spending a few days at my parents' house because of the robbery I recently suffered (as some already know). I was stolen while I was sleeping in a house I had just moved into. I have my suspicions who it may have been, so for my safety I thought it best to get out of there! The file of my new AP was approved by the real estate agent. I'm really fucking happy! Now some more documents have to be delivered and the owner moves so that I can move on to my final change (hope, rs)! There have been 3 changes in ONE MONTH and I'm on my way to the fourth AHAHA. Before I came to my parents a false friend welcomed me, I realized that the guy wanted only wanted to delay me instead of actually helping me so I ended up leaving there and coming to the crowns !! Ahahaha I can not move anymore, but gypsy life is that! Thank you all for the concern, visit and affection, it's being so damn important to me, after all the losses were emotional and financial. I really appreciate all your friendship and fellowship. Who knows. (I.e.

Hi guys ... I went away for a few days because I just went through a very boring situation. I had just moved into a house next to mine and stolen it while I slept. They raided my house while I slept (yes, I forgot to lock the door), they stole two notebooks (one of them from my mother), a 42-inch TV and my cell phone that I was carrying at the head of my bed !! ! You know what could have happened to me if I had woken up. I have my suspicions who it may have been, strong suspicions including ... I believe it was the same person who beat my cat last year. I can not give more details here. I'm warning you because not everyone follows me in other networks. I obviously get out of there as fast as possible and I'm living in a couple's house until I stabilize financially and find a new place too. I'm in a very delicate financial moment due to all this madness, logging on from my friends' computer, so I do not know, anyone who can come in here to give me a boost I'll be very grateful, even the situation is difficult !! Thank you in advance for your understanding and collaboration.

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