Every day, every hour, all of them. They curse you and want you to smile, they offend you and put you down but they want to be praised and exalted, in 10 seconds (YES 10 SECONDS) they don't exchange a word with you, they just say "show the pussy" and enjoy, just imagine if the human being the woman on the other side of the screen needs to feel horny/pleasure to moan and enjoy, obviously not, we are just a robot. But you know what's more pathetic than all that? It's the guy thinking he really had sex with a woman like that, it's knowing he's making fun of a robot who doesn't feel anything for him because HEEEEEEE did it that way. But anyway, they continue to be deceived as they prefer and we are making a lot of money.

cristian420 Education and respect always first, you only deserve the best