06/21/2023It hasn't been long since we got close, I was about to close the account on the camera, when I saw you and we got involved in such a way that it seems that we've known each other for many years and in a special way at each meeting we have there's a lot of connection, I feel that there is a nice and pleasant atmosphere going on between the two of us and it seems that life is leading us to complement each other, you your way and I mine, kisses, I miss you and I understand your day to day life and I'm here to support you always who can help you far away but being that safe haven to whom, when you need it, you have your Tarantine to welcome you and between kisses in my arms you surrender to your eternal well-being, count on me today, tomorrow and always .... kisses and hugs,,
So beautiful my kitty! I know I can always count on you... 06/22/2023