Bela Alice

  • 142 Reviews
4958 Followers 3237 Likes
Last Seen: December 19, 2024
Bela Alice Offline Last Seen: December 19, 2024

Bela Alice

  • 142 Reviews
4958 Followers 3237 Likes
Last Seen: December 19, 2024
Bela Alice

Bela Alice


Anyone can be naked in front of you, you can feel momentary pleasure with a partner at any time of the day or night, just choose. But who is it that truly makes your heart smile? I see an empty world, hollow, without purpose and nothing would be left if it wasn't for love because it's the one who will save everything and everyone. It doesn't take much... being kind to others, being truly empathetic is already a big step. Try it and then you'll know what I mean! I hope you find pleasure, but I hope even more that you find love, not just romantic love, but love in living... love in every dawn, in every sunshine, in every little animal asking for your affection and your attention , in every drop of rainwater, in every detail of life that you can only understand if you are... ALIVE!!! Look how curious lol And for you who read this far, gratitude for sharing the same time/space and I want to wish you love and peace. May your days be beautiful, there is no harm that lasts forever. With affection, Alice
