Hey! It is an incredible privilege to have a woman like you in my life. It is a pride to be part of your journey. You are someone to admire and respect. Your shine goes far beyond the makeup, the colors you use. You naturally illuminate any room, while at the same time exuding wisdom. Those who live with you are not unaffected by being influenced by your words and attitudes. I love you angel.
Nirvana would be the definition of moments with you if it weren't for worrying about how quickly time passes. These are full moments in themselves, where the soul undresses, where what is most beautiful and pure within the heart is presented. I find all the meaning of excellence in the most genuine way in you. Small gestures that leave a deep impression and outline the grandeur of your being. You cannot define anyone from the perspective of their own concepts. But I am not afraid to define you as one of the most spectacular people who have ever walked this earth, with the fullest soul I have ever known. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for this incredible moment by your side. Have a great week. Stay with God, be well.
I love you...very much. Being with you is always a privilege. It's like holding in your hands something of extreme value that was given to you spontaneously. You are a sensational woman, a person who transmits genuinely true feelings, who brings peace and encouragement to the soul. People like you are rare and when we find them, they awaken the best feelings in us. I had the honor of living and being able to meet someone like that. I love life, because only the living person is capable of experiencing these fabulous moments that life offers. And it is only through experiences that life happens. I am infinitely grateful for having met you, even more grateful for accepting my invitation and especially happy for having supported me for a few minutes...lol. May life be an inexhaustible source of incredible experiences for you. With you in the world, life becomes much more beautiful. Have a great life..Kisses.
I'm sorry for any uncomfortable situation I caused you, it was never my intention, I was reacting according to what was being provided to me. I know that I have a way of expressing myself by implying that I want to rush things, but that was never my intention, I was just responding according to what you caused me, and I assure you that they were wonderful sensations, I really liked everything that was given to me. proportionate for as long as it lasted, I apologize if I gave you the impression of wanting to rush things, but that was never my intention, I was just being proportional to the very impactful and wonderful visual stimulus that you were providing me.
The more I get to know you, the more I'm sure I'll never find someone like you. Your clumsy way, somehow, won me over....lol...and I'm glad it all happened. I thought it was impossible to find someone so special until you came along. Now it has become dogma. You are a different woman. You have a unique heart. Your smile enchants me. You are beautiful on the outside and passionate on the inside. There is no person more beautiful than you! Whether it's what your appearance reveals, or what's in your heart, everything is full of beauty. You, like no one else, have the ability to enchant. In life, we meet people who come to change us. People who bring out the best in us. Enlightened people, blessed people. You are one of those rare beings, who crossed my path to do me good. Have a great week. Kisses love 💘.
You are incredible, you are a simply wonderful human being! May life smile at you and give you all the love, peace and comfort you deserve! My heart is completely fascinated by yours. I think there is no one more generous in this world than you. It is exactly for this reason that every day I thank you for the grace of having known you. You are very special! I immensely hope that each path you choose to follow is enlightened and fulfilling. May you be blessed today and always, and may you become happier every day. I love you very much.
I'm always happy with what I see in you, because I always notice something that I hadn't noticed before. There is always a “that” of discovery, new, different, simple and at the same time complex. You have a free soul, abundant love and total detachment. You know where you're going, who you're going with and when you're going. You have control over your life like the conductor of your orchestra. Everything under your control yields to your will. The will is the “mother” of free will, as it is through it that we make choices. You are a woman of integrity, worthy of all the good there is in the world.