Babe Wolf

  • 2838 Reviews
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Last Seen: 2 days ago
Babe Wolf Offline Last Seen: 2 days ago

Babe Wolf

  • 2838 Reviews
22807 Followers 41871 Likes
Last Seen: 2 days ago
Babe Wolf

Babe Wolf


Galerinha estou PENSANDOOO não é nada certo. Vendo se é possível eu usar áudio as vzs de fone pelo menos! Porém tem algumas pessoas muito sem noção aqui, então me diga a opinião de vcs! Oq vocês achariam melhor? *em ambas as opções só vou usar o áudio em exclusivo, saibam que sou tímida e usando som com vocês vão descobrir que isso é verídico oasjdojasodj

meb9810 It would be perfect to hear from you 🤍
gomes-alves If I use the audio again it will be even better, my dear ❤️😘💐🌺
BossGold-1997 Oh, I like you either way LOL. Use audio with those who use it with you too, or with those little people who have already chatted with you by typing and you saw that you are not clueless. But I would love to chat with you even if it was in sign language LOL ❣️❣
Babe Wolf
aaaaaaa 😊🥺 ago11d
camilovicenteh I think using audio with those who use it is also good. I know there are people who are clueless, but it's harder to be clueless when speaking. People hide behind words.
Babe Wolf
You are right!! ago12d