My God, how crazy, what an incredible woman, even though it's been a long time since I've seen you, I still have positive thoughts for you and send you lots of good energy because you are a wonderful person who has gradually captivated and conquered me and today I don't consider you just a camgl but a friend that I admire and value very much, congratulations for being the way you are and always keep on being so enlightened, ok, a big kiss 😘
It is through love that we discover who really deserves to receive it, with this phrase of mine, I describe everything I feel for you, my blonde crush, we have a relationship of love with naughtiness and that is for few, I love being with you, because you awaken the naughty side of this teacher, thank you very much for the nice chat, you know you live in mine ❤️, kisses from your Fabinho 😘