I want to make it very clear to certain users who think that we girls have the obligation to show ourselves in less than 5 minutes, in fact the intention of this site is to promote pleasure and a lot of whoredom, that is obvious, but that is not why we have the obligation to cum in 5 minutes, to be naked like this, just like you call in private, we are not machines or robots, we are human beings too and we deserve respect, it is not because you are paying that you have the right to demand a thousand things in a very short time, I am not going to chat in a free chat, for that there is the simple chat that is only for chatting, the private one is for having a good chat, and the exclusive one for us to be comfortable, just the two of us in intimacy 💕😘

MossyBoy Beautiful Ariane I know most guys treat the models with respect and manners, BUT there is a pocket in society that think that these rules do not apply to them, which is a shame as it causes the girls to turn off. Gentlemen, please RESPECT them