Suggestion for the day: Smile through the technological advances in favor of our mother Earth:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THE BAMBOO TOWER THAT CAN EXTRACT UP TO 75 LITERS OF WATER A DAY "FROM NOTHING"...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >A new low-tech invention could quench the thirst of millions of thirsty Africans by absorbing water from the atmosphere. In Africa there is a lot of struggle to find clean water for its people. Millions of villagers spend 4 to 6 hours a day looking for water, and most of the time it is not even clean. With Africa's population growing by more than a billion people, the problem is only going to get bigger. Fortunately, a non-profit organization has created a cheap and quick-to-assemble bamboo structure that will help bring clean water "from nowhere" to Africans. Their invention is the Warka Water Tower, which is designed to collect up to 75 liters of water a day from the atmosphere. This easy-to-maintain passive structure depends only on gravity, condensation and evaporation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Warka Water Tower is a 30-foot tall tower made from local, natural, and biodegradable materials. It has a water resistant orange mesh inside that collects mist from the atmosphere. The “Warka” water tower is named after the Warka tree. This giant fig tree is found in Ethiopia and is sacred because it provides shade, food and a gathering place for Africans. These structures cost around a thousand dollars a piece, making them easy to build across Africa. With the low cost and materials readily available to make them, hopefully more Africans will have access to clean water in the very near future. #fetish