Attentive, intuitive and beautiful, you are Anouk, with your heightened sixth sense, you know the need to always fight for your rights. And always conquering your space more and more each day. All the affection, all the praise, all the love that you deserve to receive. Not just for this text today. But yesterday, today, tomorrow and every day of the year. I love you, blessed girl.
Distancing never meant stopping loving. Sometimes, distancing yourself is loving even more. It's strange to distance yourself from someone you thought you would never let go of. It's like losing a kidney, you live without it but you know you will always miss it. You will be greatly missed, I love you.
Sometimes people underestimate the power of words and how certain reflections can fill the heart with affection and love to understand life. Some poems written with inspiration and great affection make us reflect and see different possibilities in life that bring us satisfaction and good moments of thought. That is why I say that you are very special, because words flow with affection and love... When we are together, time seems to expand and each moment becomes a verse of an infinite poem. Your presence is the inspiration for each line that I write in my heart, and your love is the rhythm that gives meaning to my being....
I learned That hearing a kind word is good for your health! That a loving gesture always warms the heart! That other people's judgment is not important! There are those who watch over you from afar, Want to see you always shine, Offer you affection and look after Your happiness and well-being. Someone with words paints How much your gaze enchants, Composes versified watercolor, Aims to show admiration.
My love, I don't know what to do... I admire you and I don't hold you in my arms You ARE beautiful to behold A sun reigning in my days You infect with your beautiful blue gaze You ARE incomparably beautiful A desirable woman that I never tire of admiring I never tire of describing you in verse writing that your features, your body everything about you is beautiful and I miss seeing and contemplating such beauty..., kiss