If you're not the love of my life, you lied. I'm almost a website hermit, and I've never had such a pleasant conversation. WHAT A FUCKING WOMAN, what a bitch if I only needed to see her smile to be satisfied. If you're crazy, there's no words to praise her as much as she deserves. I promise I'll be back, this brief prose will remain in my mind ❤️
The perfection of my life, my Betty Boop, my wonderful brunette, the owner of the most wonderful, beautiful, incredible, radiant smile in this world, when when she lets it out at me, she conquers me and takes another one from me on the other side of the screen. I love you so much bb, more than anything ❤️
With every chat that gnt makes, every sentence that gnt exchanges, with every smile that you give me, I say hello, the most passionate, I fall more and more in love, every time I see you, when I think about you and when I see that smile that I love so much ☺️ take care love, I love you so much, more than anything ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️