What I learned from being a former swimmer... I hate the shallowness of a pool, the shallows irritate me, the lack of vastness is scary when you're submerged, there's nowhere to go, there's nothing to explore... I've come across many people who, despite having so much experience in dealing with depths, prefer the comfort of "standing on your own". Deep down inside ME, lol, which is the open sea, I have a need to explore the shallows of others, I feel like pushing someone in the middle of the open sea, without a life jacket or even flippers. I like people so deep that they take my breath away, so deep that when I dive in I'm afraid I'll drown if I try to understand. I don't want to know where you can stand, insurance limits you from great discoveries. And I understand that there are those who prefer to stay on the shallows because where it comes from, any storm is a teacup.