A woman who likes to be conquered and appreciates polite men who know how to conduct a pleasant conversation, perhaps getting where we both want... polite, affectionate, I like to be treated with respect, if you tell me to do something thinking I'm a machine, oh my love forget it... I'll leave the room right away, if you come asking to get naked like a doll forget it, because it won't happen, I like something calm, reciprocity, after all nothing out of obligation or pretense is good!! Everything starts with a good conversation and good things flow naturally, I do that very well, friendliness is essential. I'll make you feel like you're by my side, it's so good, but for that to happen it depends on your interaction. If you want to get to know me better, just call me in the Exclusive room, you're not obligated to do anything you don't want to do. I'll wait for you...
- Brazil Nationality
- São Paulo Location
- 41 years Age
- Português Language