Agente Secreta

  • 762 Reviews
8756 Followers 9346 Likes
Last Seen: 9 hours ago
Agente Secreta Offline Last Seen: 9 hours ago

Agente Secreta

  • 762 Reviews
8756 Followers 9346 Likes
Last Seen: 9 hours ago
Agente Secreta

Agente Secreta


Reacting to the “surprise” gifts that people send out of the blue, for those who don’t know this is my job, I don’t ask for gifts for everything, if you treat me well and kindly you will get the best of me, and I am shocked when many understand this and send gifts to see my reaction! It’s surreal, you are very important and complete my day ❤️

 1  4:23
r_almeida88 You are so beautiful, my love, so wonderful.
Agente Secreta
❤️ ago19d
_marcao197188 You are a dream. I haven't chatted with you yet because you are always busy. You are always in high demand because you are wonderful. Kisses.
Agente Secreta
Thank you my love, show up! I love these gifts out of nowhere, I get a real-time reaction that the user sends, more to see my face, lol, very good, we feel valued too and I always offer the best for those who like to please too, lol ago10d