Agente Secreta

  • 843 Reviews
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Last Seen: 2 days ago
Agente Secreta Offline Last Seen: 2 days ago

Agente Secreta

  • 843 Reviews
9588 Followers 10436 Likes
Last Seen: 2 days ago
Agente Secreta

Agente Secreta


✨ This song makes an allusion to you users, mainly about what you don't tell anyone (likes, fetishes and fantasies) The cure - A forest is one of my favorite bands!! ✨The Dark Journey of 'A Forest' by The Cure ✨The song 'A Forest' by The Cure is a dark and enigmatic journey that stands out in the group's repertoire. Released in 1980, the song is one of the band's most emblematic and reflects the post-punk and new wave style that characterized them at the time. The song's lyrics invite the listener to dive into a mysterious narrative, where the incessant search for a girl in a forest serves as a metaphor for deeper themes. ✨The repetition of the lines 'Come closer and see / See into the trees' suggests an attempt to discover something that is hidden, perhaps a secret or a truth that hides deep in the forest - or in the mind itself. The forest, in this context, can be interpreted as a symbol of the subconscious, a dark and unknown place where desires and fears are hidden. The mention of a female voice calling the narrator's name adds an element of seduction and mystery, leading him on a frantic and desperate search. ✨However, the revelation that 'the girl was never there' and that everything is 'always the same' points to a vicious cycle of search and disillusionment. The forest then becomes a labyrinth with no exit, where the narrator is 'lost' and 'alone'. This feeling of isolation and the repetition of 'running towards nothingness' can be seen as a metaphor for the human experience of chasing elusive goals or dreams, only to find emptiness and disappointment. 'A Forest' is a song that captures the essence of desperation and the endless search for something that may never have been, a theme that resonates with many listeners and remains relevant to this day. (Text by G**gle)

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