A Intelectual Subscribe

  • 5201 Reviews
7236 Followers 51186 Likes
Last Seen: 14 hours ago
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A Intelectual Subscribe

  • 5201 Reviews
7236 Followers 51186 Likes
Last Seen: 14 hours ago


It's hard to say... Time simply passes and there's still not enough time for so much!!! It's more than a pleasure to be here!!!



The intellectual is by far one of the best people I have ever met, a sea of sympathy and beauty. The subject never dies, I would spend hours by her side as if it were just a few minutes.



I said I wouldn't wear this...but if I had a flower for every time I remember you...I would walk in an endless garden



When it is time for souls to meet, there is nothing on Earth that can stop them from meeting... no matter where each of them is... no distance is too far, no time is too long



As Neruda would say... "Even if it rains, even if it hurts, even if distance eats away at the hours of the day and the night falls without stars, the world shines a little brighter every time you smile..."



".... It is not time nor opportunity that determines intimacy... it is only disposition" ....... in life there are people we meet by chance, but I met you because it was necessary... thank you for all this connection and I say more... if I look at you 1000 times, each time I will admire you more. Kisses yours M1th0s



As Carl Sagan would say "...in the vastness of time and the vastness of the universe, it is a privilege to share a planet and an era with you...." May this connection be as infinite as the universe!!!! Thank you for every moment, which is always incredible!!!



"....If I could describe the beauty of his eyes and enumerate his attributes, I would say that the poet lies and the Earth has never been caressed by such a divine touch......." WS



She is beautiful but not like these other women, she is beautiful because of the way she thinks and speaks and also because of the sparkle in her eyes when she talks about something she likes... she is beautiful, yes, but not only because of something as temporary as her appearance, but yes, she is beautiful from the outside to the depths of her soul.



A perfect, sublime moment. Unthinkable.



Mental attraction is much stronger than physical attraction, You cannot free yourself from a mind even by closing your eyes!!



Exactly one hundred and twenty-eight million and three hundred and four thousand "s"; two million and one hundred and thirty-eight thousand and four hundred "min", thirty-five thousand and six hundred and forty "h" or one thousand four hundred and eighty-five dd AFTER..... and nothing has changed..... She continues incredible!!! More intellectual than ever and my admiration for this WOMAN only increases!!!



“And it's coming closer…” nothing to say… just a few hours to remember for years…. 



I have the honor of doing an evaluation for this incredible, wonderful, intelligent, and, which is just a detail for me, beautiful woman!! Our conversations are incredible, and starting the day like this is like those cartoons or video games that charge our energy bar to the maximum level! I love you so much, dear friend! Always count on me!! Goodbye kiss!! 😘❤️🌹



How can it not be just another cliché when evaluating a deity for us mortals? Maybe just write what your eyes see? No. I only say one thing… delight in knowledge, open your mind to new experiences, don’t look for the basics…. Much less easy and avoid the ordinary… alea jacta est….



Attention, pay close attention. This experience is unique and if you like domination, this is the perfect room. If you like to talk about any and all topics, this is the perfect room. If you're looking for a beautiful woman, this is the perfect room (although she won't admit it even with torture). Attention, pay close attention, this is not a room like the others where everything is predictable, boring and looks like a low-budget porn script. Be careful not to fall in love, be careful not to waste time and be careful that she doesn't dwell in your thoughts 24 hours a day for too long. Don't say I didn't warn you. Trust me, partner, it's an experience that doesn't knock on your door every day. From an inspired man in love to a very unusual Dona.



It finally happened..soon, but it happened..hahaha...I just discovered a new feature on the website...it was the most unusual interaction I've had to date...😁



Ecstatic. Whatever you order, I obey. A woman like that that was missing in my life



The best person in this place, by far! Nothing I say can describe the incredible experience I had today. Wake me up, it must be a beautiful dream to live... I'm dying for you. My soul mate.

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