Cars are like speedboats, motorbikes are like jetskis and pancakes are like people 🥞 Life is made of second chances “! We all know this phrase, but do we interpret it correctly? Does it have several interpretations? We've all had the experience of being excited to visit a restaurant that seemed wonderful; When we got there we noticed that the treatment was only good at the beginning of the service, the service was getting worse, it took too long, there was little food and of questionable quality. Many times you seemed to have to ask, beg to receive what in theory you were entitled to since you were investing your time and money there... You get tired and leave. A while later you hear that the place is under new management, with a new facade; everything seems better, different. You give a second chance. Once you get there, you notice some subtle changes but as soon as you are served there is that feeling of dejavu, the service remains mediocre, the food is little and bad. Nothing has changed, they just sold you an idea that there was change. Would you give it a third chance? Understand, there are billions of other restaurants for you to visit and eat at. There are banquets instead of crumbs and more importantly, there are places where you won't need to make the slightest effort to receive what you deserve, because there is a genuine desire for reciprocity. You give your money and receive the service well done and with love. You, your life, your dreams, deserve many second chances but should we give second chances to places you've been to and didn't like the treatment you received? This text is not about restaurants or pancakes…

Rogeraquino1991 Great recipe.