DIVE IN THE SEA or DROWN IN A DISH OF SOUP? I have noticed that every day more people want to live in the shallows, and they defend this tooth and nail. This is not new today, the escapes, the illusions, the self-deception, have been with human beings forever. But in this historical moment in which we live, this is romanticized in such a way that like never before, we don't know who we are, what we came for. We spend the day in a state of lethargy, unconsciousness, disconnection from reality, which puts us on the same level as a zombie. A herd effect in every aspect and place that seems like we have lost the human capacity to perceive, question, change. Hedonism, pleasure in huge doses. It surrounds us from the heated floor, just consuming and doing what is comfortable. The normalization of casualness, of lack of emotional connection, of using others, has taken away our ability: sensitivity. How far are we from home? How much are we shaped at a mental, behavioral and emotional level to meet the demands of what is normal today? How much corruption is there in us to feel ''belonging and loved'' at any cost? Isn't it time to look inside and start the greatest journey of all time? #psychology

whiteheat Collective psychosis!? "I'm kind of disconnected, I can't even feel my feet on the ground..." Mutants. Me, observing and feeling.