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A Diferenciada Subscribe

  • 975 Reviews
11296 Followers 4841 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago
A Diferenciada

A Diferenciada


The power of self-responsibility The concept of self-responsibility places you as the sole responsible for your life as it is now. It makes you aware that your choices, good or bad, have put you where you are right now. The idea is that you apply this to all sectors of your life and here comes the shock: Blaming life, others, your family, is no longer a possibility. You are the only one responsible! Difficult right? You will notice that nobody forced you to be with person x, you chose that. If your job is not legal? you didn't do everything you could to qualify. If you were made a muggle more than once; you saw the signs but chose to ignore or play blind. If your body and health is as it is, guess what? You didn't want to / want to pay the price to be better, etc. Once you are aware of all of this, it is difficult to ignore, but of course it is possible. Our mind is a master at telling us cozy lies and we love to stay in the comfort zone. Or you can ask yourself: is this how I want to be in 5, 10.30 years from now? Super accommodated and with the same problems? Alias, I correct, problems that we choose not to face, they grow, they grow and when we decide to move, besides being bigger, it will be more complicated and sometimes irreversible. Now a truth: Nobody is on planet earth with the mission to make you happy! Eeeeee Sorry there, disappoint you lol. Nobody wakes up early, takes a shower, gets dressed, gets their yogurt, coffee and bread, gives a little jump and says: I'm going to make Fulana (o) happy! Our needs, insecurities, financial problems, weight, immaturity, unhappiness, frustrations; '' they are all our problem ''. This means that waiting for the other to come and make you happy is the biggest fallacy of recent times. Yes, Disney deceived us and so did the soap operas. A hot cat will not appear to keep you safe, and take care of your needs. There will be no prince to make me happy and take care of me. Now screwed huh? hahahahahahhaaha Knowing that; make yourself happy, be enough. Go find out the root of your insecurities and resolve this with therapy. Go after improving and evolving; invest in you. No one else can do this but yourself. Nobody is here to be a workshop. Catch you broken emotionally, affectively and fix you up. Nobody wants to be a crane and pick up dead weight; it would only slow you down or make you stop in time. Who wants to be in any of these roles? Nobody wants it! Now screwed huh? hahahahahahh. Knowing this; make yourself happy, be enough. Go find out the root of your insecurities and resolve this with therapy. Go after improving and evolving. Taking charge of our life requires a lot of ourselves but it definitely makes you a better person. It teaches you how to make better choices in the future, you will better select the people you want around; it will manage your life with some level of self-responsibility that will bring you more satisfaction, more fulfillment, and more self-esteem. Be kind to yourself and review your choices. That done, you will only be interested in people like you; did what he had to do. My mother, who is now my best friend; taught me something with examples and not with words: You are your problem! You are enough to be and have everything you want. And I share that with you now. What is your responsibility for the disorder you complain about? Answer for yourself. You, it's your problem! No matter who is to blame for your current situation, staying or leaving it is your responsibility. Ema, ema, ema, each with their problems lol. Go get the best version of yourself :)

fotografoamador #chatiada ahahahahahaha
A Diferenciada
hahahahahaha :) 12/18/2022
laurinha-lemes Killed ❤👏👏👏
A Diferenciada
Thank you beautiful :) 12/18/2022
Buri If I were to grant a request, whatever it was, it would certainly be: I want to sit down and talk to you, drinking coffee, listening to you talk for hours... about your view of the world! S2
A Diferenciada
Granted! When and where? LOL 09/08/2021
romanti-55684 Look, look look...
A Diferenciada
:) 12/18/2022
normal-61542 In this picture of you look: take life lightly ... the two pictures and I see something
A Diferenciada
Boy I am so light that if it gets too strong, I fly hahahahahahahahahah Just kidding, being light is one of my new challenges since I am an extremely rational and focused person but I will get there. 05/26/2021
burigoto You write your story with a pencil, pen or brush. You choose, the important thing is that you write. kisses
A Diferenciada
I understand the hint, I'm waiting for the vaccine 🤡😂👿😇 05/20/2021
vulcano-hefesto We deserve what we build. Therefore, each one has what they deserve.
A Diferenciada
Take it easy, not everyone is prepared to have this conversation lol 05/17/2021
gomes-alves dear congratulations on the text, beautiful is also down to earth.these paravras are for my life beijão Lu I want u always close to me delicious
A Diferenciada
Wanting and power are different things rs 05/18/2021
pardal2020 perfect
69chupchup a simple image, a long text and a succinct comment: perfection! s2
lokinho88 The most beautiful story to see is yours..
A Diferenciada
why would it be lol 12/18/2022
kadu_godoy Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. But looking at this photo, only one thing comes to mind: hot nerd! Hahahaha
A Diferenciada
I can live with this information lol 12/18/2022
brunoboliari Pedro Calabrez already said in "Take the reins of your life"
A Diferenciada
He is great! My sno will one day be how he defends lol 12/18/2022
romarinho2-12675 Return!! please hehe
A Diferenciada
I went back :) 12/18/2022
BLeoBH wonderful text, the author even more
A Diferenciada
Wow, I'm looking forward to it lol :) 12/18/2022
Araujo-Marcos You thought I would forget right? I'm here hahah thanks saw angel... I swear I'll read it!
A Diferenciada
Where are you desgram? 😂🤡❤️ 12/21/2021
Mytrandir I love your texts. When reading my mind he made some connections. I play recreational poker. André Aakkari said in his blog: There is "a great enemy, impetuous, that punishes without mercy, and you will face him every day, YOU!
A Diferenciada
We are executioners of ourselves. It has a positive side to it, self criticism is something important that few have. We just have to use the whip more lightly rs 05/18/2021
Sendrinho2424 I loved this photo.
zoio16 perfection