About me
Oh Flora, Goddess of spring and symbol of feminine power in nature. I carry its essence within me. I'm not the type of model who "goes naked" despite being a very sensual woman, I want to awaken the deepest part of you, put on your best clothes, bring the best wine and we'll dive. We just need to know if its waters are deep enough for us to germinate. Let's say a new universe to be discovered through beautiful eyes. Only for those prepared...
- Italy Nationality
- Roma Location
- 24 years Age
- Português Language
luis-fe-45186 Do you come from the deep sky or do you come from the abyss, / O Beauty! your gaze, infernal and divine, Confusedly pours out the benefit and the crime, / And for this we can compare you to wine. Hymn to beauty (Charles Baudelaire)