(I'm writing while eating fitness chips made with taro) I love listening to you talk. The ideas come and go while you move your lips, completely connected to each other - but not everyone can perceive so much cohesion. That's the thing! You've told me many times that I "understand you, that we understand each other very well"; have you ever thought about why? Maybe that's our answer: we understand each other's subtext. And I learn A LOT while listening to you, man! It goes from every subject, from linguistic curiosities, to how to get big butts and big thighs (and I didn't have time to show that, lol) to my favorite: Brazilianness - I always leave feeling greener and yellower at the end of our conversations. I admire your visions and wise words, ViCtória, and keep spreading them to the four winds. (Today I wanted to use grandiose words, because you deserve it, but the spirit is contained and cold. Days and days, we have kkkkk until next time s2)