A woman is an unknown, A monument to doubt. One day she is beautiful, The next, even more so. A woman is a breeze, She is the perfume of a flower, She is the vigor of life, The sweetness of the world. A woman is good news, She is eye candy, dazzlement. She is sculpted desire, poetry. A woman is beautiful, always. MN
A woman is an unknown, A monument to doubt. One day she is beautiful, The next, even more so. A woman is a breeze, She is the perfume of a flower, She is the radiance of life, The sweetness of the world. A woman is good news, She is eye candy, dazzlement. She is sculpted desire, poetry. A woman is beautiful, always. MN I admire
To a woman who is a constant source of inspiration. Your determination, kindness, and intelligence are admirable. You make a difference in the lives of everyone who is lucky enough to know you. Keep being this wonderful and inspiring person. The world is a better place with you in it!