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What are User Status Levels and what benefits does each offer?

User Status are ratings assigned by Camera Prive to platform users. They are: Silver, Gold, Platinum, Unique and Prive.

Check the amount of PrivePoints (PP) needed to raise User Status and the benefits of each one:

Status Silver (0PP to 299PP): Interaction is the word that defines users with Silver status. If a user has reached this status, it means that this user already has the possibility to chat in the rooms, without worrying about the time limit.

Gold Status (300PP to 2,999PP): Users want to be spoiled with a lot of content and with Gold status, this is exactly what happens! They receive twice as many stories and content on their Timeline, directly from the My Prive menu.

Platinum Status (3,000PP to 9,999PP): Again, interaction plays an important role for Platinum status users. With this status, it is possible to leave public comments on the performer posts for all performers of the platform, without being required to be a Crush. In addition, users will have access to specific promotions that quality for Cashback, receiving back a portion of the amount spent on the platform.

Unique Status (10,000PP to 29,999PP): When there is so many moments and you cannot remember anymore, users of Unique status can favorite content and access it whenever they want. In addition, users will have special advantages in specific promotions that quality for Cashback, receiving back a portion of the amount spent on the platform.

Prive Status (30,000PP or more): For a few, Prive status adds prominence to interactions with performers. Users who reach this level are highlighted and standout more prominent in the chat rooms, reviews and comments. In addition, users will have incredible advantages in specific promotions that qualify for Cashback, receiving back an even greater portion of the amount spent on the platform.

All status levels are defined according to the PrivePoints (PP) accumulated by users. The number of PrivePoints earned by a user is related to the number of interactions the user has had with performers through the website features, from the time of the user's account creation to present time.

To learn more about PrivePoints, read the article: What are PrivePoints (PP) and how can I accumulate more points to raise my Status level?

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