Sophie Fire

  • 58 Reviews
2290 Followers 210 Likes
Last Seen: 6 days ago
Sophie Fire Offline
Last Seen: 6 days ago

Sophie Fire

  • 58 Reviews
2290 Followers 210 Likes
Last Seen: 6 days ago



It's not who we are, but what we do that defines us! The achievement of anything, regardless of what it is, essentially involves action. Nothing is built without effective action. This justifies the saying: “an action is worth a thousand words”. I already said it, but it doesn't hurt to reinforce it. You are an incredible woman, you always strive to be better and better. You are an Inspiring person, who does not cower behind the setbacks that life imposes on him, but seeks the best way to create the necessary circumstances to advance, grow and evolve. I am very grateful to have met you. I love you so much, and I wish that happiness is always within your reach. Kisses my beautiful.

Sophie Fire
What can I say about a user who grew up with me on the platform, you are always chatting with me and they are all very good! Whenever I see your Nick, as I mentioned before, I'm very happy, because I know our chat will be long lol!! Your voice, which I discovered recently, enchanted me in such a way that I felt like an old acquaintance of yours, your laugh at my jokes is truly captivating and pleasant to hear. Your photo is very beautiful and the photography was impeccable, I only have compliments to give you and gratitude for having met you and connected so quickly, kisses of light!🥰❤️ 09/11/2023