A tip because you must be a beginner. When you have a minimum balance and don't want to spend 1 cent on gifts and enter a Domme's room, naked and giving orders in seconds, being friendly is the best. Seeing naked, answering requests and carrying out whatever What you want depends on time, education and payment for requests. If in seconds you want zillions of things and without payment, that's called a girlfriend and you can believe it will also cost money to have one in real life.
A tip because you must be a beginner. When you have a minimum balance and don't want to spend 1 cent on gifts and enter a Domme's room, naked and giving orders in seconds, being friendly is the best. Seeing naked, answering requests and carrying out whatever What you want depends on time, education and payment for requests. If in seconds you want zillions of things and without payment, that's called a girlfriend and you can believe it will also cost money to have one in real life. 07/31/2024