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Last Seen: September 4, 2020

Sexóloga Subscribe

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1229 Followers 910 Likes
Last Seen: September 4, 2020



Human Sexuality represents the set of behaviors that concern the satisfaction of the need and the sexual desire. Like other primates, human beings use sexual excitement for reproductive purposes and for the maintenance of social bonds, but they add pleasure and enjoyment to one's self and the other. Sex also develops deep facets of affectivity and personality awareness. In relation to this, many cultures give a religious or spiritual sense to the sexual act, as well as see in it a method to improve (or lose) health.




Because of insecurity, most men prefer not to believe in the existence of the female brain. So, look for those who pretend not to own it (and some actually retired!). So, put up with this: a woman without a brain is not a woman, but a mere object of decoration. If you get tired of collecting candy, try to relate to a woman. Some will show you that they have more gray matter than you. Do not run away from this, learn from them and grow. And do not worry, unlike men, intelligence does not work as a repellent for women. Do not shadow over it If you want to be a great man have a woman by your side, never behind. So when it shines, you'll get a tan. But if she's behind you, you're going to get her ass-to-be. Accept: Women also have their own light and do not rely on us to shine. The wise man feeds the potentials of the partner and uses them to motivate his own. He knows that by preserving and cultivating the woman, he will be saving himself. It is, my friend, if you think that woman is too expensive, turn gay. Only the best can get women! Luiz Fernando Veríssimo




Today the day dawned extremely happy, after all, today is the day dedicated to all mothers, those who leave where they pass that smell of affection in the air. Your form? A rose! Your color: love! This Sunday is special, it is a day full of affection, hugs, kisses and tears of happiness and longing. Longing to accompany those who no longer have this protective angel here on earth. This creates a feeling of sadness for not being able to give, or simply to embrace the one that brought us to the earth through her womb. Look, do not be sad, she lives in your heart for ever and ever !. Remember she always twisted for her happiness! Be happy!

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