
  • 115 Reviews
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  • 115 Reviews
2655 Followers 985 Likes
Last Seen: 1 hour ago

One of the things I learned is that you must live in spite of. Although, one must eat. Although, one should love. Although, it must die. It is often even ourselves that pushes us forward. It was the despite that gave me an unsatisfied anguish that was the creator of my own life. It was despite that I stopped on the street and looked at you while you waited for a taxi. And right away I want you, that body of yours that isn't even beautiful, but it's the body I want. But I want it whole, with my soul too. So it's okay if you don't come, I'll wait as long as it takes.

"TAKING CARE OF THOSE WHO CARE FOR" I always come across questions from friends, family and even patients themselves with the question: “Do psychologists also need psychologists?” The answer I always give is: Absolutely! This response is linked to psychological assistance for healthcare workers who, like any being, independent of any activity they carry out, need care like any other being. So when I get this question, I ask another question afterwards: Do doctors get sick too? The answer is right. “Of course you get sick!” Therefore, preventive actions are necessary like any human being. Fears, anxieties, depressions, etc., are part of a human being's life and care is certainly increased and becomes a main duty of the professional who provides assistance to another human being, as well as the duty to take every care of oneself. When I take an anamnesis, I ask the patient about their personal life and routines, such as: • Sleep hours; • Food; • Possible physical activities; • Balance between work and leisure; • Emotional life; • About your life philosophies and your search for balance in your daily life. These are the same questions we should always ask ourselves! Before helping our patient, it is extremely important to know ourselves in depth and know that we must, above all, have: • Self-love (it is essential to love yourself); • Maintain high self-esteem; • Seek our own appreciation; • When necessary, seek care from qualified professionals; • If there are internal conflicts, know how to forgive yourself in cases of mistakes; • Always seek moments of peace and pleasure to relieve stress. Therefore, it is a Healthcare Professional's duty to take care of himself, more than any patient, because before providing any type of care he is also a patient, a patient of himself! Feeding all areas of your life, with good health and personal, professional and spiritual well-being in a healthy and balanced way.

Why go to a Psychologist? - How can someone who doesn't even know me help me? - So, is the guy or woman going to tell me what to do? - I have a problem, but everyone does... - If you're not going to tell me what to do, what's the point of going? - I already know my flaws, and I will change, just a matter of time and willpower. - I'm already going to the psychiatrist. - My Cardiologist has already prescribed me a tranquilizer. - My therapy is work. - My therapy is cold. - I'm well resolved, people who complain too much. - I'm just anxious. Well, if you've ever thought, said or heard any of these phrases, you might have no idea what a Psychologist does, right? And he's not making much effort to find out either. So I will offer my humble contribution. You know, you're right when you say that everyone has problems. Everyone has a problem, whether it's work, finances, family, love or lack thereof... But who takes care of your problem? You? But are you taking good care of yourself? Are the strategies you have been using really achieving an improvement result? No? Hmm... Have you ever tried to change the strategy? Already, but did you change to something else that a friend of your wife's cousin suggested to you? I know... And this strategy worked for him, but not for you? Maybe because no one is the same, right? This is the starting point of our conversation. I'm sorry to break it to you, but you are unique. This means that the best solutions in the world may not work for you. Does this mean that a Psychologist will give me a special solution? Oh, no, not really. This would be great if it were possible, but it isn't. So what's the point?! That's the cool part of the story, you're thinking that there is a ready-made answer and that someone is going to offer you that answer in exchange for a few bucks. It is this part of your thesis that is wrong. It's not about someone knowing the secret and telling you, what psychology offers you is the possibility of building, rather, building a new position, a new strategy and a new understanding of your own life. But how is a Psychologist going to do this? Firstly, listening to you, after all, didn't I say that you are unique? Therefore, it is necessary to get to know this unique being and, together with him, understand and become aware of his conflicts and desires. Okay, but I'll know that, so what? Well, by being able to understand yourself better, you will have the chance to reevaluate your positions, your way of dealing with events and understand the cause of your reaction. Or do you think your anxiety doesn't have a reason? Oh no, there's no point in blaming your boss, your relationship, your children, the traffic. No. Didn't you say that everyone has problems? So, the question is why do these problems leave YOU (being unique) in this state? Okay... Then I'll think about it and? Thinking about this is more than a simple reflection, it is a process of research, of analyzing the causes, influences, origins of your way of reacting. What if I can understand all of this? Then you will have been offered the chance to build a new way of acting and reacting. And this with the help of a professional. With scores, observations, questions and specific techniques, you can help you make the changes you want. Did you know that it takes 5 years in college to become a Psychologist? And in these 5 years, are knowledge of philosophy, biology, neurology, history, psychology, among others, presented? In addition to supervised internships in various fields. And you know something really cool that Psychologists DON’T do? They don't judge you. They listen to you, welcome you and help you, but always respecting your positions, beliefs and choices. If you're still not convinced, I'll make you a proposal, make some appointments and draw your own conclusions. Movies, series or friends are not as reliable as your own experience.

THE VALUE OF LIFE (Interview given by Freud to journalist George Viereck in 1926) Freud on the subject of neoplasia in the jaw: "I hate my mechanical jaw, because fighting with the device consumes so much precious energy. But I prefer it to no jaw at all." . I still prefer existence to extinction." "Seventy years have taught me to accept life with serene humility." (Interrogated about pessimism) "I'm not a pessimist. I don't allow any philosophical reflection to spoil my enjoyment of simple things. I had enough to eat. I enjoyed many things – the company of my wife, my children, the sunset . I watched the plants grow in the spring. Every now and then I had a friendly hand to shake. Every now and then I met a human being who almost understood me. What more could I want?" (On self-knowledge) "Certainly. The psychoanalyst must constantly analyze himself. By analyzing ourselves, we are better able to analyze others. Others unload their sins on him. He must practice his art to perfection to untangle them. from the burden thrown upon him." (On analysis and understanding the world) Analysis teaches us not only what we can endure, but also what we can avoid. It tells us what should be eliminated. Tolerance of evil is by no means a corollary of knowledge. What objection can there be against animals? I prefer the company of animals to human company... Because they are so much simpler. They do not suffer from a split personality, from the disintegration of the ego, which results from man's attempt to adapt to civilization standards(). It is the result of the conflict between our instincts and our culture.

We deprive ourselves to maintain our integrity, we spare our health, our ability to enjoy life, our emotions, we save ourselves for something without even knowing what that thing is. And this habit of constantly repressing our natural drives is what makes us so refined. Why don't we get drunk? Because the shame and inconvenience of headaches give rise to a more important displeasure than the pleasure of drunkenness. Why don't we fall in love again every month? Because, at the time of each separation, a part of our hearts is broken. Thus, we try harder to avoid suffering than to seek pleasure.

Neither old, nor young, nor saint, nor kid. My black man mourns the pain that rains. Clouds move across my retinas. Lunar girls drink me, smoke me. In phases take over my ruined chest. ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ Plateaus, meadows and other places. Inns and bars, roads, corners. Dwindling girls bleed me, eat me. Made into a werewolf, my soul breaks apart. Loneliness of an animal, heart of a man. ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ ☽★☾ Foxes eat leftovers in the streets. Owls and snakes in the darkness disappear. May fears settle in my abdomen. And desires spin like ballerinas. Floating girls end me, fuck me." (Seu Pereira and Coletivo 401 - Décimas Lunares)

There is a being that lives inside me as if it were his home, and it is. It is a sleek, black horse that, despite being entirely wild – as it has never lived with anyone before and has never been reined in nor saddled – despite being entirely wild, it has the first sweetness of those who are not afraid: it sometimes eats in the garden. my hand. Its muzzle is moist and cool. I kiss your nose. When I die, the black horse will be homeless and will suffer greatly. Unless he chooses another house and this other house is not afraid of what is both wild and gentle. Note that he doesn't have a name: just call him and you'll get his name. Or it doesn't work out, but once called with sweetness and authority, it goes. If he sniffs and feels that a house-body is free, he trots noiselessly and goes. I also warn that one should not fear their neighing: we make a mistake and think that it is ourselves who are neighing with pleasure or anger, we are frightened by the excess of sweetness of what this is for the first time.

We deprive ourselves to maintain our integrity, we spare our health, our ability to enjoy life, our emotions, we save ourselves for something without even knowing what that thing is. And this habit of constantly repressing our natural drives is what makes us so refined. Why don't we get drunk? Because the shame and inconvenience of headaches give rise to a more important displeasure than the pleasure of drunkenness. Why don't we fall in love again every month? Because, at the time of each separation, a part of our hearts is broken. Thus, we try harder to avoid suffering than to seek pleasure.

Five things that catch my attention in chat: 1. Read the profile before calling. 2. Ask about me and how I am, so it doesn't turn into a monologue. 3. Say goodbye politely when finishing the chat. 4. Be kind and make requests politely. 5. Start a topic and know how to talk without pressure. 6. My cell phone is a little old, it freezes if you turn on your camera and audio together, so you need to turn on one or the other, that's why I opt for the camera to be turned on only via subs. Chats and the like, I ask you to just turn on your audio or type, do you think that's bad? Send a gift 🎁 so I can buy a new one so I can provide you with a more complete and better chat.

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